Gym Instructor

Become a qualified Gym Instructor in just 2 weeks with our Level 2 CIMSPA-accredited course.


10 points




From £559

About this Gym Instructor course

The Level 2 Gym Instructing Certificate will provide you with the best possible foundation to start your career within the fitness industry. Our gym instructing course is delivered with face-to-face training to give you the confidence and practical experience of communicating, motivating, and interacting with customers. We believe that training you in a gym environment will give you the right experience and provide you with the qualification you need to get employed. This Gym Instructor course has been developed to meet the latest industry standards. It’s CIMSPA accredited and internationally recognised.

Flexible learning formats


8 days of face-to-face tuition.
1 eLearning unit.
1 day of practical assessment.


4 days of face-to-face tuition.
Various eLearning units.
1 day of practical assessment.


Theory modules

  • Anatomy and Physiology (Level 2).
  • Gym Based Planning, Preparation, and Delivery.
  • Providing a Positive Customer Experience.
  • Lifestyle Management and Health Awareness.

Practical modules

  • Level 2 Gym Based Programme Delivery and Professional Instruction

Develop your knowledge to provide a positive customer experience

  • Learn how to instruct effective exercise sessions in the gym in a safe environment.
  • Learn how to deliver basic health assessment techniques such as blood pressure and BMI tests.

Develop and plan gym programmes to a wide range of customers (including 13-18 year olds and older adults)

  • Learn how to maintain health, safety and customer welfare.

Develop your communication skills

  • Learn how to communicate with customers effectively and motivate them to follow their programmes.
  • Learn how to promote wellness and exercise to a wide range of clients.
  • Learn the skills needed to deliver one-to-one consultations and group inductions.

Develop your knowledge of the body with anatomy and physiology modules

  • Understand the heart and circulatory, respiratory and digestive system.
  • Understand the nervous and energy systems and their relation to exercise.

Fees and Funding Options

Pay upfront

Pay the full amount for your course upfront in one lump sum.

0% Finance

Spread the cost with a deposit and an interest-free monthly direct debit.

Early Bird

Get 10% off when you pay in full 2 months before the start date.

How to book?

Simple, just speak to one of our course advisors.

Course Dates and Locations

We deliver our face-to-face courses from state-of-the-art venues across England. This course is currently running from:

To find the best date and location for you, speak to one of our experienced course advisors.

Speak to a Course Advisor

Our course advisors are on hand to answer any of your questions. Simply fill out this form and we will contact you in the next 48 hours.

Speak to a Course Advisor

Data protection

We will use these details to respond to your enquiry. Our Privacy Policy sets out how we will use and look after your data. If you would like to be contacted in the future about other services that may be of interest, please select the option below. You can opt out at any time by contacting Central YMCA.

Frequently Asked Questions

What funding support can I get to help pay for my Gym Instructor course?

How do I choose the best course for me?

Will I be qualified to work in a gym with the Level 2 Gym Instructor course?

How do I book?

What is CIMSPA and why are CIMSPA points important?

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